Flutter Startup Workshops in London & Amsterdam

Todd Fabacher
6 min readAug 14, 2019
Flutter Startup Workshop

Many are struggling with how to use Flutter to develop multi-platform apps and create successful startups. Digital Pomegranate has created a must-attend workshop for Flutter developers that create an entire app in just two days and gives you the hands-on instruction on how to build, launch, and market your app. We’re going to create Nelly, a Personal Assistant App with you in the 2-day event. We will give you all the programming knowledge, share our experience of what it takes to make a Flutter app and sell it. We will cover everything from design to product launch and marketing.

You may have a great idea, but without the right coding and business understanding, your winning idea will not shine bright. Our 2-day Flutter startup workshop will give you the Flutter code and show you how to code on your own. We do recommend you have some coding experience, this is not an absolute beginners workshop. You should have Flutter installed and have a simple basic working knowledge of the language and how to build apps.

We are bringing our award-winning Flutter development team to London and Amsterdam in October. If you want to learn Flutter this is your chance. We are going to fully create an app in just 2 days and show you how to code it, package it, market it and profit from it!!!

We are offering ONLY 30 on-location spots each for London and Amsterdam. The seats will go fast so claim your spot ASAP. There are also 50 spots available for live online so anyone in the world can fully participate live and online for those who can not make it to one of the locations below:

London Oct 16–17 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/flutter-startup-workshop-london-tickets-68996146331

Amsterdam Oct 19–20 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/flutter-startup-workshop-amsterdam-tickets-69112590619

Day 1

Startup Idea & Flutter App Foundation

We start with the basics. We transform our idea into a startup and an app by creating a core Flutter foundation. It is critical for any app and startup business to start with a solid foundation. You will create an app foundation written in Dart that will provide basic classes and functions which are used to construct apps using Flutter.

All road start from UI Design — AdobeXD & Users Stories

One of the keys to our success in creating startups and Flutter development is we never start coding until we have the complete app designed. We prefer Adobe XD and we will go over the steps needed and how we finalize the functionality using this critical design step.

Firebase Introduction

With a variety of server-side technologies that are on the market today, developers have a tough job of deciding what kind of backend is most suitable for their app. SQL or NoSQL…that is the question? For Nelly we selected Firebase and we will explain why.

Firebase Advanced

Flutter and Firebase are closely connected and you will learn advanced Firebase. Critical topics will be covered and explained such as authorization, schema design, indexing, subscription, query, notifications, and the ML Kit. We will also touch on upon SQL and why you would choose it over Firebase.

Flutter & SQLite

The Nelly app needs to function offline and uses SQLite to operate. You will learn the basics of SQLite and the advantages it can provide you Flutter app.

Top 10 Flutter UI Widgets

Learn about the Top 10 Widgets you absolutely need to know for building a Flutter app. When writing an app, you’ll commonly create new widgets, but also critically important is utilizing existing widgets and how they can help you successfully complete your App.

Creating a Schedule Calendar Widget

The Nelly App, being a personal assistant, will need the ability to schedule appointments and display the schedule to the user. Most likely, they will expect a schedule UI like Outlook or iCal. Currently, Flutter does not have such a UI widget, so we will create one together. We will create views of the year, month, week and day. You will learn all the details of creating a widget in Flutter which will become priceless as you create your own app.

Day 2

Flutter App Communications

Flutter build apps are “Built to Communicate”. Our Nelly app and you future app will communicate with the outside world using an array of methods. You will learn how to fetch data from the internet as necessary, but also to send data back out in an array of methods such as RestAPI calls, Push Notification, Social Share and Sending Emails.

Creating a Native Plugin for iOS’s Callkit and Android’s ConnectionService

A Flutter plugin is a wrapper around native code for android ( Kotlin or java) and iOS (swift or objective c). Our Nelly App will need the ability to “call” someone and have it ring on the phone and wake up the app. Currently, Flutter does not offer this functionality and it needs to be created. You will learn that Flutter can do anything that a native app can through the use of Platform Channels and Message Passing.

Working Lunch — Importance of Project Management

Good project management is the glue that holds a project together and ensures quality and objectives are met on time and on budget. The importance of project planning cannot be overstated. Too often, organizations overestimate how quickly they can achieve deliverables, underestimate the costs, or both — a recipe for failure. You will learn tip and tricks from our project managers how they bridge the gap between all stakeholders in Flutter development.

Online Dashboard with Flutter’s HummingBird

In December 2018, Google announced a version for Flutter that would build web apps with the ease of building mobile apps in Flutter. They called it ‘Hummingbird’. With Flutter for Web, you can compile existing Flutter code written in Dart into a client experience that can be embedded in the browser and deployed to any web server. You will learn how to build a Web Dashboard for our Nelly app with a proper login and the web pages for.

Flutter Animations and Flare

Adding animations to your app is an important part of modern app development. Mobile apps use animation to add visual effects to notify users that some part of the app’s state has changed. It gives your app a polished look that witnesses the quality of your app to the end-users.

Flare can give your app that real visual edge that was only possible with expensive coding before. What is Flare? Its an online tool helps you to design and animate Vector Graphics for your Flutter apps and website. Thee is a free version of Flare, which is created by 2dimensions.com, which you should add to your development toolbox.

Professional Flutter Development

We will look at the tools and functionality that will help you achieve a professional level of Flutter development. You will learn continuous integration /continuous delivery’s best practices with Flutter to make sure your application is delivered to your beta testers and validated on a frequent basis without resorting to manual workflows. We will also introduce Flutter Testing, Debugging and a critical topic that is usually overlooked — Documentation.

Launching the Nelly App and a Successful Startup

  • Getting your App in the Store We will help you create a developer accounts with Apple and Google by registering through their websites and explain the process of uploading to the app stores.
  • Marketing Website This is one of the most missed steps by app developers and startups. Your website is critical to your success and can make the difference between success and failure.
  • PR & Marketing We will give you the best tips and tricks for app PR and marketing. Despite what people think, there is a difference between the two. Learn what has worked for us and what we do to launch a startup and app.

Final Q&A

